singapore is freaking hot, really. very hot, and undesirable compared to hongkong weather D:
i miss hongkong, my cousins and aunties and uncles and my daddy and my grandmother!
the house, my uncle's wii, hugging my cute cousins, poking my elder cousin, my uncle's wedding, the delicious food, the shopping malls, EVERYTHING!
sigh, its back to normal school life in two days and i've got mountain loads of work to do -.-|||
wish me luck please. till then, i don't think i'll be allowed to post pictures cause they take a super long time to upload D: i'm still looking forward to school!
my fingers are healing! did i tell you, my mummy slammed the taxi door shut when my fingers were at the hinges -.-
luckily the sides of the door were lined with plastic/rubber, or else my fingers would have been sliced cleanly apart *shivers*
so, i've got to thank god and the lucky stars that nothing much happened to me, i've just got three bruised fingernails that hurt when you try to touch it -.- . BUT~ i'm pretty sure they'll heal in a week :D
emma's in a hurry to unpack the luggage, i bought loads of cute stuff this time!
anon: shakes head~ dont know dont know
{zzz i won't know anything then, and that's sad because you want to watch sora kara HAHAHA!}

{HELLO ASHLEYYYY! :D I AM BACK! lets go shopping soon! (but i have to complete the MOUNTAINLOAD of hol hw these two days LOL)}
ngik hiong: lol okie yay! anw wad's boxing day?
{the day where you open presents! 26th dec!}
kaiying: hello emma i have cca later ): Be sad for me!
{hello kaiying! i felt sad for you that day! D: but you're happy now right haha}
-angela*: heyy emma (: Merry Belated Christmas

{heyy angela! merry BELATED christmas. 5 days record yo}
{THANKYOU ASHLEY NICOLE LEONG EN XIN AND LIU KAIYING!!! ahahaha, i bought stuff for you all! :D}
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